Looks like we all survived spring and the obligatory spring cleaning of at least one or two areas of our home. It really is better to plan out and get one or two of the bigger cleaning jobs accomplished every season. Not every cleaning project needs to happen every week, or even every other week. Many are tasks that can be done once a year or perhaps once a quarter.
And it’s another reason to have a professional team like ours at House Spouse available. We not only provide assistance for weekly or monthly cleaning, but we can roll up our sleeves and help you tackle the bigger projects, too.
Let’s start in the bedroom. Here in Arizona, we don’t necessarily have winter and summer bedding like parts of the country with more drastic temperature changes during seasons. Still, it does get cool enough that it’s likely that you may have added a couple of extra blankets for every bed in the house. Or, tossed a heavier spread or blanket on top of the bed or sofa, for those times you’re reading or watching television.
Now that it’s June, and the heat has truly set in here in Arizona, it’s time to move those extra blankets or flannel sheets off to storage, and bring out the pretty summer sheets and cotton throws.
Also, check your closets. Move the jackets and coats needed for cooler weather to the back ok of the closet or into a storage bin, after you make certain they don’t need a brief trip to the dry cleaner’s first.
Take time to quickly review the summer clothes in your closets and bureau drawers. Make certain all the buttons are intact, and check for unexpected spots or stains.
Double check the children’s clothes, checking for sizes, too. Kids often outgrow clothes from one year to the next! You may need to consider a shopping trip for a few new shorts or shirts.
Now, let’s take a look at the living room – and the dining room, too.
If there are any seasonal pillows, throws, or knick-knacks on end tables, coffee tables, hutches, mantles, it’s also time to clear them out and put them away. Extra rugs that you might have placed by the front door – needed during rainy or muddier months – can also be put away. Any smaller area rugs that you’ve put out over the last four months – pick ’em up, give them a cleaning and put them away.
While you’re at it, check the vents. They’re likely to need a dusting after the winter. Use your hose attachment with the brush to rid the vents of accumulated dust. And, if you’re not too tired after these few house cleaning projects, take a quick tour of your patio and make a little list of anything you might need to clean or replace before we really get into the summer season.
House Spouse is a Phoenix-based cleaning service that provides ongoing maid service, custom concierge services, carpet and tile cleaning, rental-property cleaning and more. Visit us at Housespouse.com, call us at (480) 834-2905 or email us at info@housespouse.com